Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Portrait of the Political Hack as an Empty Man

I always suspected that Steven Harper was a soulless fascist. I'm not sure if it was his not quite right Ken Doll hair cut or the bland grey suits he wears or his empty snake like eyes but there was just something that screamed "I'M DEAD INSIDE!" whenever I looked at him.

Then I read this, and all my suspicions were legitimized:

Wow. I can't believe I've been wasting my time all these years listening to music or going to art galleries. Thank you Mr. Harper for shedding some light on this issue. The Arts are a waste of time and money - I mean, who needs it right? Right? Its not like anyone actually admires a nation's culture through its paintings, sculptures, music, architecture, poetry or literature. I know, for instance, that what I love most about Greek History is their culture of fiscal solvency and conservative social policy. Everything else is just fluff. But I digress....

I'll be sure to tell all the "normal" and "ordinary" Canadians I meet that its in their children's best interest that their school no longer offers music or art classes. Seriously, is political hackery really worth your soul Mr. Harper? Are you so easily bought? A nations culture, its very identity is bankrupt without art.

Now, I realize that you think this is "a niche issue to some" (Unlike Gay marriage, that has obvious global implications) but please don't pretend you speak for all us "ordinary" Canadians ever again. You are governing this country on an agenda with an obviously regional perspective that fails to represent the values of the majority. Not all of our nations children want to be farmers or oil riggers, some of us want to be sculptors or writers as well.

Speaking of writers, i fancy myself an amateur wordsmith. Part of my growth is learning how to effectively wrap up or conclude a piece of writing. This has always been a struggle for me so with this posting I think I'll be as succinct as possible:

Only a fascist believes that freedom is the absence of choice. Be it a woman's choice to explore her pregnancy options or a child's choice to paint or sculpt. I believe in a more vibrant Canada than what you have offered and I weep for the future of this nation if you bully and cajole your way to another election win. My only solace is knowing that eventually Satan will come calling. I mean, a deal is a deal right?

1 comment:

FibCarver said...

Karl, you are SOOOOO right. Thanks.