Saturday, August 29, 2009

Woman Buys $2500 Luis Vuitton Bag.... For Her Dog

Is this you? If so, please go kill yourself. Now. Pills, noose, gun, whatever - just fucking end it. How many homeless people did you step over and ignore on your way to get little Cutie McSweetie her canine couture? The terrorists don't hate our freedoms, they hate our capitalist oligarchy of excess and indulgence that we built on the backs of the poor and marginalized. They hate you ma'am. Because you are a vapid, ignorant bitch with oodles and oodles of cash and zero compassion, empathy or awareness of the world around you.

"But there's a market for it so why not sell it". Spurious argument and false logic. There's a market for kiddie porn, land mines and crystal meth as well. Not that a $36,000 dog house (its a real thing - ) is responsible for global death and destruction but until all of us can afford this type of extravagance I'd hope people would spend there money on less frivolous shit.

And besides, your dog doesn't care if he has a collar made out of Italian leather studded with diamonds or with hemp rope and the bones of Filipino virgins. All it wants to do is eat, sleep, sniff crotches and play. In fact, your dog is probably pissed that you carry it around everywhere in your purse and force it wear ridiculous clothes.

And what about the husbands? There's no fucking way they enjoy being seen in public with their wife's emaciated chihuahua with its pink fur coat and Prada booties. Are you that much of a pathetic cuckold that you can't put a stop to this madness? Or..... maybe its a diabolical smoke screen? Keep your retarded wife occupied with her fucking queer dog while you go out and bang ladies who don't think sex is "icky". I get it now. Well played sir, well played indeed.

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